Arizona Business and Professional Women

Legislative Platform

Legislative Platform

Our organization has a long history of supporting issues that would benefit Arizona's women and their families. We do this through educating women about their options - or lack thereof - and promoting legislation at a statewide or national level that would create a more equitable environment for women in all areas of their lives.

Preamble: The Equal Rights Amendment shall stand first, foremost, and above all other items which may appear on the national platform of this Federation until equal rights for women and men become guaranteed in the United States constitution, because all statutory law derives therefrom.

Economic Equity: Ensure pay equity, equal education, and economic opportunities at all stages of life; and promote affordable, quality dependent care to help ensure economic self-sufficiency for women.

Health: Ensure reproductive choice and full access to all reproductive health service and education; ensure funds for research into and protection for women's health care needs; and encourage the development of a national health care plan recognizing the special health care needs of women.

Civil Rights: Ensure equal rights for women in all phases of their lives; support affirmative action; eliminate all forms of harassment and violence against women.

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Phone: 1-877-JOIN-BPW

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